Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Hump Day Hmm . . . January 30

This week's Hump Day Hmm over at is to write about a childhood memory that stuck with you and why. I wanted to write about something happy, so I chose a time when I was 10.

My cousin, who is exactly 5 months and 11 days younger than I am, was living with us at the time. We shared a room, and we pretty much shared everything else too. When I went to play at a friend's house, she came along. When I went to school, she came with me. I was having a hard time suddenly sharing my life, so I was really looking forward to the annual, after Christmas, trip to Granny's house. My Granny was a special person. She knew how to make anyone feel extra special.

We all piled into the two cars in which we'd caravan, and started driving. Just out of town, one of the two broke down. The mechanic stated that he could fix the car, but due to the season, it would take several days. My family had a short council, and ,much to my consternation, the decision was made for my mom and me to stay home since there would be room in one car for everyone else.

Heart broken, I watched my two sisters, brother, dad, and cousin drive away. When they had completely disappeared, I turned and trudged back into the house. My mom surprised me with, "What fun things should we do while they're gone?"

We had a ball the whole week they were gone. My mom and I rented movies, popped popcorn, played games, and most importantly had my first sewing lessons. I sewed my first pillow case and my first pair of shorts that week. I can still see my mom patiently bending over me teaching me how to unpick a seam without tearing the fabric.

Now, sewing is one of my favorite hobbies. I love sewing so much that I'm starting my own company. Thanks, Mom for making a potentially horrible time so special. I love you!


Robert said...

This was a fun post to read because I did not know this was how you learned to sew. I enjoy that ability quite a bit, and sleep under one of the quilts you made as often as under any of our store bought ones. Thanks for sharing.

Julie Pippert said...

What a wonderful and sweet story! My heart broke for you, too, as that car drove away...and then your mom made it into a wonderful and special week. What a bonding time it must have been! How nice to get your mom one-on-one! Beautiful post...thanks for adding it in!

Melissa said...

I'm with Julie. I was about to be so sad for you,and then it turned into something wonderful! Thanks for sharing that!

Anonymous said...

You're all welcome. I just appreciated my mom so much. Being the youngest of nine children, I didn't have many chances to have one-on-one time with my mom. This one week stands out as special for me. I talked to my mom about it about a month or so ago, and my mom told me that she enjoyed that week, too. Until then, I thought that my mom was just trying to make it up to me.

PML said...

Ellie I think it is so funny that when you begin to talk about sewing, you immediately go to the topic of taking out your stitches!

"I can still see my mom patiently bending over me teaching me how to unpick a seam without tearing the fabric."

I remember (or at least I think I remember) in 4H how you unpicked and unpicked and unpicked...but then you had the best entry at the fair and went on to the state fair.

anyway, I got to your blog website from your husband's weekly letter and it looks like you are just as busy as ever. I hope you guys will be feeling 100% better from your sickness soon. We are going through the same thing...there is nothing worse than a baby with a stuffy nose!

le35 said...


I did unpick and unpick and unpick those shorts. I think they ended up having Bugs Bunny on them. And they were eligible for the state fair, but my parents had so much going on that year that I didn't get to take them.

Ben is feeling TONS better this week. I'm glad that you got my blog from Rob's letter. Do you have a blog? Thanks for the comment. Smile b

le35 said...


I did unpick and unpick and unpick those shorts. I think they ended up having Bugs Bunny on them. And they were eligible for the state fair, but my parents had so much going on that year that I didn't get to take them.

Ben is feeling TONS better this week. I'm glad that you got my blog from Rob's letter. Do you have a blog? Thanks for the comment. Smile b